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1. vision solo --- 非常适用,和Dominant不太一样,第一周没有钢铁的感觉。很温暖的弦
2. Kaplan -vivo -- 声音最大,穿透力最强、、但是很亮,所以如果琴本身也亮,,G弦会很不好听
1. Dominant GDA + Golden Label 最流行的。。。。但是我个人感觉A-E弦差距有点大
2. 绿美人G, Dominant A,D, GoldBrokat E....非常喜欢,G弦有力量,E弦和A弦过渡挺好的。
3. Larsen GDA + GoldBrokat 挺适合老琴。 老琴做出来的时候,但是没有synthetic弦。。都是羊弦。。所以有些老琴,接受不了特别大的压力。Larsen压力非常小
4. 托尼卡+golden label 超级流行。我感觉tonica的E比dominant好。。很久以前托尼卡比dominant要贵。。。。不知道为什么现在比dominant要便宜好多。。。
5. Obligato + amber E 。。喜欢羊弦的用这个。。。我自己没有用过这个组合,我有一个Eudoxa + Gold Label,感觉挺好,就是琴本身的反应慢,加上了羊弦。。。没办法用。。。
6. 金美人GDA+Gold Label。。 打算在我新琴上做实验。我听到了很多金美人的好评。总之这是个绿美人和oligato之间的选择。
7. 绿美人G,Dominant AD, 绿美人金E,。。。还没用到,新琴第一套弦。。。和2 差不多。试试绿美人e
最后是2000年初,汇总的名人用的弦。当时弦的种类不多,但是dominant和绿美人是最受欢迎的。现在有warchal, kaplan,很多新的弦。一个左琴师推荐我一个nonwhistling E弦,我下次试。。。我强力推荐喜欢绿美人但是付不起绿美人的试试kaplan,很想绿美人。绿美人最少2个月换一次。。kaplan感觉半年问题不大。。。
Anne Akiko Meyers: uses Pirastro's Passiones on her 'new' Del Gesu
Mariam Fried: Evah Pirazzi G and D, Dominant A and Goldbrokat E string. Nathan Milstein: a Eudoxa G&D, plain gut A and Goldbrokat E in the 1960’s.
Zino Francescatti: Eudoxa G, Kaplan Silver D, Eudoxa A and Goldbrokat Medium E.
David Oistrakh: Eudoxa D and G, Prim Steel A (or Chromecore) and a Prim E.
Henryk Szeryng: Used a Eudoxa D and G, a Kaplan A and either a Gold Label E or Kaplan E
Isaac Stern: Used the Eudoxa A, D, G and a Goldbrokat Medium E. Later in his career he switched to Dominants.
Pinchas Zukerman: Used Eudoxas until the Dominants came out which he still uses (including the E, I think...).
Itzhak Perlman: Used Eudoxa in his early career than switched to the traditional combo of Dominants with the Gold Label E.
Hilary Hahn: Dominants with a Gold Label E.
Maxim Vengerov: Used to use Dominants but recently switched to a full set of Pirazzi.
Ilya Gringolts: He uses Evah Pirazzi at the moment.
Joshua Bell: Evah Pirazzi Violin Strings
Gil Shaham: Uses Dominants and a Jargar E (don’t know which gauge).
Midori: Uses Dominants
Stefan Jackiw: Uses Dominants and a Jargar Forte E.
Anne-Sophie Mutter: Dominants with a Gold Label E string.
Cho-Liang Lin: Infeld-Blues
Reference Violinstringreview.com sharmusic.com