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[收藏鉴赏] 10個最著名的小提琴標籤

pp2018 发表于 2018-4-9 22:07:15 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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本帖最后由 pp2018 于 2018-4-9 22:09 编辑

10 of the Most Famous Violin Labels

Giovanni Paolo Maggini (1580-1632)

Maggini’s early works were influenced byGasparo Da Salo, his teacher, but he later moved increasingly in the directionof the Cremonese school. While his instruments are praised for their excellenttone quality, they can be difficult to play due to their size.

Jacobus Stainer (1620-1683)

Stainer was the first great representatives ofhis trade in Tirol, and had a reputation for producing some of the best violinsof his day. In the 18th century, it was common to pay more for a Stainer violinthan one made in Cremona. Like other great masters, his label was used innumerous copies of his work long after his death,.

Francesco Ruggieri (1620-1695)

Although Ruggieri’s instruments show definitesigns of the influence of Amati, no evidence has yet been found to prove thathe received his training at the Amati workshop. As well as violins, Ruggerimade an important advance in cello-making, reducing its size in comparison tohis contemporaries. The Ruggieri family name appeared in different forms onvarious violins, including Regeri, Ruger, Ruggeri and Ruggerius.

Antonio Stradivari (1644-1737)

Arguably the greatest of them all, Stradivaribegan under the influence of the Amati tradition but began to develop his ownunique style in the 1680s. This included longer F holes and stronger necks onhis violins. His so-called golden period ran from around 1700 to 1720. The mostexpensive Stradivarius sold in 2011 at a London auction house for an incredible£9.8 million. Here you can see one of his instruments from 1715 in action.

Girolamo (Hieronymus) Amati(1649-1740)

Girolamo (or Hieronymus) Amati II was theeldest son of Nicolò Amati and the last maker of the family. He studied withhis father from an early age and took over the family workshop after hisfather’s death in 1684. Although the workshop never again achieved the successor prolific production it had enjoyed under Nicolò, probably because ofcompetition from the Stradivari and Guarneri shops, Girolamo was a gifted maker.

Matthias Klotz (1656-1743)

Matthias Klotz was a member of the Klotz familyof violin makers that flourished in Germany as early as 1683. He studied withJacob Stainer in his early years before making his way to Cremona where he thenlearned with Nicolo Amati.

Carlo Bergonzi (1683-1747)

Alongside Stradivari, Amati and Guarneri,Bergonzi was one of the leading Italian violin-makers of his day. He has beencredited with over 40 violins still in existence, most of which are in privatecollections. He began signing his instruments in 1720, and his best period isreckoned to be 1730-40. In this clip, concert master of the Pittsburgh SymphonyNoah Bendix-Balgley speaks about obtaining a Bergonzi 1732 model.

Bartolomeo Giuseppe Guarneri(1698-1744)

Guarneri, part of a family of excellent violin-makers,became known as Guarneri del Gesù due to his violin label carrying the lettersIHS and a cross. His grandfather and father were top class violin-makers intheir own right. The violin virtuoso Niccolo Paganini is rumoured to havepreferred a to play a violin made by Guarneri del Gesù. Between 150 and 200violins remain in existence, which were generally smaller than theircontemporaries.

Nicholas Lupot (1784-1824)

As a compliment to his great skill, Lupot wasnicknamed the French Stradivari in his day. He emerged from a family in whichviolins had been made for over a century. His violins bore the label NicholasLupot a Paris, where he was based from 1794.

Jean-Baptiste Vuillaume (1798-1875)

Jean-Baptiste Vuillaume was an illustriousFrench luthier and winner of many awards. During his lifetime he made over3,000 instruments and was also a fine businessman and inventor.

提供給喜歡研究小提琴歷史演進的網友們作參考。資料來源 :

605208068 发表于 2018-4-10 15:23:41 | 只看该作者


大哥,厲害了⋯⋯整段翻譯太完整了!  发表于 2018-4-10 15:51
D调的人 发表于 2018-4-10 21:15:14 | 只看该作者


已經提供了,僅供參考。  发表于 2018-4-10 22:22
 楼主| pp2018 发表于 2018-4-10 22:21:36 | 只看该作者
以下圖片僅供參考,是我個人在網路搜尋的,並非出自 Cmuse 組織出版的文章。










glorynana 发表于 2018-5-10 15:50:03 | 只看该作者


@@  发表于 2018-5-17 21:03
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