本帖最后由 jialeyh 于 2019-10-14 09:38 编辑
“Figured wood has been sought and worshipped for its beauty for centuries. Any design, pattern, or distinctive mark that appears on the surfaces of wood may be described as figure, and it results from combinations of color, luster, texture, and grain.
Even though it has been studied for a long time, very little is known about why figure develops in wood. There are a lot of contradictory theories, and the ultimate causes are largely unknown. Ecological factors have been studied to see if they have an affect on figure, but there are no studies that have shown a definitive correlation of factors like geographic location, climate, soil, bark, foliage, rate of growth, etc. on figure. Most of the best figured wood develops in well formed, straight, healthy trees. All figured wood types occur in almost every part of the world where figure is recognized, although certain areas appear to produce more figured trees than other areas. ”
“There are three broad types of figure, including “normal figure” (texture variation showing growth layers, knots, etc.), “pigment figure,” and “specific figure,” which results from the non-vertical alignment of longitudinal fibers in the wood. Specific figure can be hidden or enhanced by cutting methods, such as quarter sawn, flat (plain) sawn, etc.
Figure occurs in living trees primarily as variations or distortions in the vertical alignment of grain in either radial or tangential directions that result in common figure types known as stripe, blister, curl, wavy, and several other variations. Commercially usable figure is seldom found in trees less than ten inches in diameter. Once it starts, it becomes more pronounced in subsequent growth rings. Wavy grain is quite common near limbs and roots, where it is localized in small areas.
Some is wavy in the radial plane while some is wavy in the tangential plane. The cause of undulating growth is traced to the method of cell division and enlargement. Undulating growth appears to the viewer as an optical illusion of movable stripes or contrasting patches of light and dark areas resulting from the fibrous structure. Figure caused by undulating grain in wood is similar to striations formed in certain gemstones. Figure is also a result, in part, of an interference pattern produced by light rays striking the fine, undulating fibrous elements contained within figured wood.
When the radial surface of wood exhibits wavy growth or grain, the tangential face is smooth and the wavy or undulating grain can be observed, but is not evident to the touch. When a wood section with curly grain is split, it separates along the rays and along the wavy grain and is exhibited as a corrugated surface that can be seen and felt on the radial surface. Undulating growth is the result of elongation of individual cells that are initiated at the same time which are somewhat delayed, resulting in some that are longer than others.
Wood with curly or fiddleback figure commonly is cut in a manner to display a radial surface, which would be corrugated if the wood had been split. Appearing on smooth surfaces in place of waves are series of alternately bright and dark stripes that shade into one another and produce an illusion of actual waves. Change in brightness result from differential light reflection. Relatively high absorption by exposed fiber ends produces dark bands; reflection and diffraction from fiber walls cause bright bands. Because the fiber walls are curved sharply and act as concave or convex reflecting surfaces, any change in angle or view or incident light makes the apparent waves seem to shift.
When cut on the true quarter, fiddleback figure will show as a series of straight, evenly spaced, horizontal or slightly canted stripes. When cut slightly off true quarter, these stripes may appear wavy or branched."
( 虽然花纹生产的原因还没有定论,但下面的理论给出了一种解释 )